Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ok... Bernini's david (finished)
To be honest, I'm not that happy with it.-im a perfectionist so, it is to be expected. I am glad that we did this  project tho. It really took me back to the basics of looking at how light plays on shappes and textures.  I wish we had a little more time on it so I could have spent more time carefully digging out the shapes but, I liked this  subject.

1 comment:

  1. Even though this drawing isn't really finished, I think that it has a lot of life in it (I say in my best M. Davis voice). Your drawing no longer looks like a drawing of a statue, but perhaps a figure study, which I think makes it more successful than you think. It could use some darker values. Also, keep in mind that even though the project's due, it doesn't mean you can't keep going with it. It would be nice to see a later update. If you want to keep working on it.
