Thursday, January 30, 2014

prehistoric scene

This is my idea (still in the works)
I have the entire idea planned out but, im having trouble with foreshortening and structural elements. I call myself forcing myself to get the underlying work right before I move move forward cuz I know thats something I need to work on so, we'll see how well I pull this off lol....

JaiaLeia-- Prehistoric Sketch

So this week's challenge is to do something... anything... prehistoric. Instead of doing dinosaurs, I wanted to do something with the giant squid. This is just a preliminary sketch and there's more to come tomorrow, of course ^^. I need to really get these tentacles figured out before I start any kind of color/shading...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Animal Sketches

So I know this is super, super, super late! But better late than never, right?

I came up with a hundred excuses as to why I couldn't draw last week-- my elbow, illness, couldn't a PENCIL or WORKING pen to save my life! But anyhow... here it is. Not as great as last week's production but I got some drawing done. They're just sketches, but I don't need to tell you that.

Go, me.

more ANI-MOES lol...

Two days late but, I draw slow :/
An issue im working on but, I actually got into this one once I set the cruise control lol... I kinda crapped up the bear and gave up on it :(
Anyways... Im getting started on the next one now, im going to try my BEST to not be late with this one but, for what I have in mind, I might be :/

Thursday, January 23, 2014

animal sketches

Its late and im posting a day late :/
Anyways, I TOTALLY intended on getting more sketches done but, I failed to realize how much detail reptiles have. I know with this project we pretty much have to just draw 'animals' but, I think sticking to reptiles will help me as I move to thr next project. Unfortunately, I dont have much to show but, something is better than nothing *shrug*

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ok... Bernini's david (finished)
To be honest, I'm not that happy with it.-im a perfectionist so, it is to be expected. I am glad that we did this  project tho. It really took me back to the basics of looking at how light plays on shappes and textures.  I wish we had a little more time on it so I could have spent more time carefully digging out the shapes but, I liked this  subject.

JaiaLeia-- Nike of Samothrace

Good Afternoon,

I had a lot of fun with this week's challenge. It really forced me to think about my core shadows and cast shadows (especially when dealing with the wrinkles in the garments). I would like to do a few more cloth studies because of it. When we get into master painting, I'll probably study the work of Ingres a little more. My drawing of Nike is below:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bernini's david
My favorite dipiction of David. One of my favorite pieces of art in general. I love the dynamic pose as opposed to the traditional static pose you see sculptors depicting david in.
Anyways, just a sketch of the body. No real detail yet.

Nike by JaiaLeia

So this week's challenge involved making a drawing of a sculpture. I drew Nike-- because there are few gods cooler than her.

She's blocked in, now. I just need to go in, add some more values and details. I am aware I've given her a little more 'donk'-- that was purely accidental (not that she REALLY needed it). Lol. Anyway-- let me know what you think of it so far! 


I have started to add a little more detail for our beloved Nike of Samothrace. Here is what I have so far:


Friday, January 10, 2014

Facial expressions

Ok.... getting back into drawing had me feeling like I was trying to get an old car to start up, kicking the tires and banging on the dashboard!  Lol... but I made it happen.

JaiaLeia's Facial Expressions-- Check-In

I started my facial expressions last night, but here is what I have so far:

I'll be sure to add lots more before the 6:00pm Saturday deadline!

Here are a few more.

...Aaaaaaaand We're Back!

I sat around in my room all last month and this month thinking about the art challenges I did with my friends and how much I would LOVE to do it again. So guess what? We're back! KagedAnimal and I will continue to post and Ronni will step in every once in a while.

This week and the next two weeks are just warm up phases. Here, we'll be doing basic studies and then we're going to get to the fun stuff.

This week: facial expressions
Next Week: Master Sculpture: draw your fave
Following Week: Master Copy: Duplicate a master's drawing or painting as best you can!

After that, we're getting to the fun stuff. Stay tuned!