Sunday, April 6, 2014

JaiaLeia - Environment

It's been a week of downs and ups and my computer is finally working again! I lost a few files, my sketch included, but I was able to get in a little time today. I will be working to refine it over the coming week and display the final next Sunday. I really wanted to do more than one since there are three major regions in the storyline-- a desert, a forest, and snow-capped mountains, but that's a bit ambitious for me to finish all in a day. We shall see how the week goes ^^



  1. Yeeeeaahh! That's pretty good Jaia! Makin environments your bitch, I see. Your forms are great and your spacial perception is pretty good! This is perfect for foundation. Colors are decent too, seeing as it looks like it's midday. You could push it to be a little more dramatic with more cloud activity in the sky and more reflected sunlight on the sides of the plateaus, from whatever direction the sun is at. That's the fun part. Lighting sets the mood entirely and something as small as that could bring your environment from this realistic and otherwise quotidian existence, to say, a really hot, barren landscape on some alien planet. It's all in the lighting. You're growing. Keep doing these and you'll pick up on shit.

  2. well damn... now i feel like i need to start using colors :/
    your environment is coming along VERY nicely. i agree with rhonda on the possibility of making your lighting a bit more dramatic, which would add a nice edge to the piece as a whole but, i think the space youve created with the light as is works well too. id like to see a bit more in the background though (maybe more suggestions of rocks etc. nothing too much cuz you already have some nice atmospheric perspective working with the fuzziness), just to give more of a sense of depth. other than that, just some more detail in the foreground. but, its still in the works.- in short, awesome work.
